Sorry that it took me so long to get pictures of all of the cards everyone has sent me for Baby Francesca, but I finally did it! Well minus about 4 that I can't seem to get off of my camera...the disc got corrupted somehow...so I will get those later. I am up to 111 cards now! So thank you again to all and congratulations Deborah (yes, she did get back to me!). Please check out all of the cards. I am listing those on Splitcoast too (even though I also took pictures of them and included them with the rest) so that you can leave comments to those that made them. Also, I apologize for the poor photography on some of the cards...I wasn't checking each picture as I took them...too many pictures to take at one time. So check them out!!
Also, I finally have an update for you on Francesca. It had been awhile since I have heard anything, which drives me crazy...my mind goes to the worst first for some reason. Anyway, things seem to be progressing, just busy in her world. She is still working at being weaned from the ventilator and increasing her feedings. Maureen and Ronny, though, are continuing to show what amazing parents they already are...below is copied from the online journal. The last part is a message directly from them (all of the other updates have been written by Maureen's sister's husband). As you can read, they feel the latest news to be a blessing...something they are proud the Lord entrusted them with. Not that I feel the news is bad, I just know that things will be harder for them, so I ask you to please keep them in your prayers...and thank the Lord for the amazing parents that Baby Francesca has been given.
Posted on 1/12/09:
"Hello All:
We apologize for the delay in posting an update, our Sweet Francesca has had a busy few days, slowly getting the ventilator weaned down more and increasing her feeds. Francesca is scheduled to have an MRI early tomorrow morning, and then will possibly have her second try at being extubated in the afternoon.
In addition, we have recently learned more about our angel baby, Francesca. Below is a letter from Maureen and Ronny, her very proud parents...
Dear Family and Friends,
As you know, our Sweetest Francesca is truly a miracle. God has made Francesca very special, and chosen us to be her parents – we feel blessed. She was born with Down Syndrome. We just found out this past weekend, and we want to give you time to adjust to the news, so you won’t feel the need to have an immediate response. We hope you will feel the same as we do, we’re happy and proud. We would like you to see her as we do, a Beautiful Baby Girl. We also want you to treat her just like any other baby – Congratulate US – Be happy we have a baby. We’re a family now, this is not a sad moment, PLEASE do not apologize, we aren’t sorry. We are still gathering information on Down Syndrome and probably won’t be able to answer any questions for a while. We would like to encourage you to continue to check the website, send us messages, and watch our baby girl heal and grow. She sleeps, eats, cries, and dirties diapers, just like every other baby. She’s just got an extra chromosome to go with her very feisty attitude!
Ronny and Maureen"
Having a child with special needs, I know I am a better person because of my child. And the wonderful people that I have met because of my son are earths angels sent by God.
From the message Ronny and Maureen wrote, I know they will experience many blessings because of baby Francesca and be terrific parents.
Thank you so much for posting the updates on baby Francesca. What a precious update from her parents. I do indeed congratulate them! Praying that God will continue to give them strength and wisdom as they navigate the mystery of parenthood.
Thanks so much for posting the update and what wonderful parents God has given baby Francesca. They will continue to be in my prayers.
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