Well I hope you all don’t mind me sharing pictures and such about my life instead of just stuff I have stamped. I love blogs out there that allow you to get to know some of the people beyond their work. So anyway, I wanted to share with you a couple of the latest ultrasound pictures of our baby GIRL! That is right, we found out that Elijah is going to have a baby sister…officially and conclusively! So excited! Anyway I have two pics for you, the first one is the standard ultrasound pic. She (wow that is weird to now be able to reference the baby as she and not it!) seems to always have a hand up by her face or head. In all three ultrasounds now, she has been that way…so sweet! The second is using the 3-D technology! Pretty cool, but maybe a little freaky too. She is pressed up against the uterine wall in the shot and she looks quite gaunt as basically at this point in the pregnancy (20 weeks) she is just skin and bones. The technician said the next ultrasound will give more “adorable” typical baby pictures.

Did you notice the new look to the site? Or are you still looking at that 3-D ultrasound pic…captivating isn’t it? Well, my husband got me Photoshop Elements 6.0 for Christmas and I finally took some time (o.k. a lot of time because I am still figuring this program out!) to create a new bog header! Be nice…it is my first one. It is not the greatest, but I thought it turned out pretty good. So it will be around for awhile…probably until I get a bit more skilled with this program! I have also started adding a watermark to my pics…did you notice? I have been adjusting it here and there, but I am pretty pleased with it. Well that is enough for me. I will be posting some fabulous creations that I did over the weekend soon…I had lots of stamping time (and I am working on revamping my stamping area...stay tuned as that develops!) as my husband and son were out of town! But since they took the camera, I had to wait till they got back to take my pics!
The first picture is the exact same pose my little girl did for my u/s a couple weeks ago! :) Love teh 3D ones. So you'll be getting another 3D one done later in the preganancy?
The new site looks great!
Haha.. didn't know where to respond... so I thought I'd come back to this post.
I'm due June 12th. Looking forward to the new addition to our family.
Congratulations on your baby girl! I have to return your email from last week as well. Its been busy around here with work and my husband just had an ear surgery.
She is so sweet! Look at that little face!! Congrats!!
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