Recently, my family’s lives have been touched by the plight of some friends of friends (but I am claiming them as our friends now too!). Michael and Alissa Dunn and their son Isaiah were blessed with beautiful twin baby girls on July 4, 2007. The pregnancy went fantastic and the twins were full term without any issues. Madeline Ora and Isabella Grace were wonderful additions to the family. Around the end of August, Michael and Alissa noticed that Maddie’s abdomen was a little swollen and firm, but she was acting completely normal. A few days later at the girl’s 2 month check-up, the pediatrician took one look at Maddie’s abdomen and sent them to the hospital for x-rays. A CAT scan shortly after revealed that Maddie had a large cancerous tumor called neuroblastoma Stage 4S. To give you an idea, this tumor has grown to about the size of a softball in her tiny body.
Once checked-in at Children’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, the doctors quickly decided to take a look at identical twin Bella. Unfortunately, Bella was also diagnosed with neuroblastoma. According to their doctors, this is only the 9th reported case of twins have neuroblastoma at the same time. Both girls have undergone one round of chemotherapy and are beginning their second. You can see pictures and read their story from their own words at their website: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dunntwins.
So as I hold my son a littler tighter and we pray together for the Lord to lay his healing hand on the ouchies in Maddie’s and Bella’s bellies, I thought it might be nice to let them know that prayers are being said all over the country and maybe the world for these two little girls and their family. As I read the journal entries on their website, I am amazed by the strength and faith that Michael, Alissa, and their families have shown.
So I put together a special blog candy in which to get an entry, you need to mail me a RAK card for Maddie & Bella and/or for the family, that I will then place in a shoebox (hopefully I fill it!) and mail to them. So if you have the time, please make a card, sign it with your best wishes, post a picture of it to SCS (if you are able) with keyword bcfac07 so all can see it, and mail it to me. You can get an extra 2 entries if you advertise this Blog Candy for a Cause on your own blog…just make sure to leave me a comment so I can come visit the blog.
Update: In addition to the blog candy that I have put together, Anita from Praierie Papier Ponderer is offering to now include the Ronald McDonald House Charity stamp set from Stampin' Up! With the purchase of every one of these sets, Stampin' Up! donates $2 to the RMHC. This is actually quite fitting, since Michael and Alissa are staying at a Ronald McDonald House by the hospital! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Anita for being so generous!!!! And be sure to check out Anita's blog!!
Update: Once you have sent the card to me, stop by Inkerdoodles and Ink-A-Design and leave Lisa and Carolynn a comment telling them you sent it (and link to a picture of it if possible). They are going to draw for some extra blog candy in addition to what I am offering! Triple candy for a good deed...can't get much better than that!
Update: Well the generosity continues! Mary Elliott of Everyday Elliott is throwing in a set of blender pens (3) and an unopened Cranberry Crisp Classic Ink Pad to my blog candy! So now the candy just got a little sweeter. Thanks Mary!
I would like all cards to be in the mail to me by October 15! It doesn't have to actually be at my house by the 15th...sorry if I caused some confusion. So get Crafty!!
Thank you all for helping me pray and hopefully lift the spirits of the Dunn Family!
Note: If you don’t normally take pictures of your cards or don’t post them to SCS, let me know and I will take a picture of the card when I receive it and post it to SCS.
Mail cards to:
Andrea Vernagus
Blog Candy for a Cause
2797 Warwick Dr.
Bloomfield, MI 48304
Cards posted on SCS
You are awesome Miss Andrea!! :) I'd be happy to help!!
I wanted to mail out a card tommorrow since it will take awhile to arrive from Canada, so I will send one I made today. I edited my photo with your keywords so I hope that works. I thank you for sharing this story!
My son is a Neuroblastoma survivor. He was diagnosed when he was 2. I can't imagine having two children with this horrid disease! Thank you so much for what you are doing. I know they will really appreciate it!
What a kind thing to do!! I will be sending you a card!
I also just posting a message on my blog to help advertise.
I will be happy to help!
I posted a comment to my blog. Thanks again for the opportunity to be a blessing to others!
Mary Duffek
What a heartbreaking story! I will definitely be sending you a card to include. Also, I will add this link to my own blog to help spread the word. whatdoyouink.blogspot.com
Hi Andrea...I got one done this morning so we could get the party started ASAP!
I'll mail out my card today and I'm spreading the word on my blog. Here's the link to my card...
Bless You!
Hi, Andrea. I posted a link to you on my blog. I'll work on getting a card out for them in the next couple of days, too! What an awesome thing to do for this family! I'll be praying!
would love to help, try to make a card by tonight =)
My card will be on it's way to you today!
My card is in the envelope and ready to be mailed (from Ontario). The greatest gift for this family is prayer, support and encouragement. Thanks Andrea for this wonderful gift to them.
I will stamp something tonight. Thank you for doing this for them -- what a thoughtful way to let them know that you care.
Hello, I wanted to let you know that I will be mailing out cards to you tomorrow. I am very grateful to be helping. I also posted it on my blog as well.
I am sure the family will be so grateful for all that you are doing.
Here's the link to my card:
I will try to get this out in the box before the mailman comes.
This is such a great thing you are doing. Of course I will send a card, and i've also posted on my blog, http://smokeys-stamping.blogspot.com/
What a kind and caring thing to do. I just posted this on my blog
http://paperblessings-patsy.blogspot.com/ I will get a card in the mail tomorrow. I also sent this to several of the groups I am in and asked for prayers. Don't worry about putting my name in for the candy. I just hope we help.
Oh, and I forgot to take a picture. But it's the same as this one http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/685483?cat=500&ppuser=88853
I'll do my best to get something off to you as well, God Bless those little girls!!
I wanted to leave you a quick message and let you know I have posted this Blog Candy not only on my blog on blogspot but also on my myspace blog.... http://www.myspace.com/goldenangelsworks
I finished my second one and they are in the mail...yea!
Here it is: http://stampinwhenican.blogspot.com/2007/10/another-card-for-twins.html
Hi Andrea!
This is such an awesome thing! I'm hoping and praying those little ones have a full and miraculous recovery. I am mailing my card pronto. I hope it gets there in time, it is after all coming from Canada.
As a pediatric RN that frequently works with little ones with cancer, and as an avid stamper, I cannot think of a better cause. Thanks for sharing with us. I would love to help. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!
I'm a recent blog-visitor and just found SCS, therefore I do not post to that site as of yet. I will mention this in the card that I'm sending to you.....Godspeed to that family and to those 2 baby girls! Yay for you to be so thoughtful and caring...I'll be doing my best to "pay it forward."
You are awesome for doing this! I'm upping the ante! Whoever wins this blog candy from Crafty Engineering will also win a FREE Brand-New stamp set from me--check out my blog for details!
Praierie Papier Ponderer
I am a fellow Michigander and a former pediatric nurse and I agree a worthy cause. I will send a card and I have posted this to my site to help get some fellow Michiganders to fill that box.
From one craftyengineer to another... what a great idea. Such a nice thing to do.
Thank you so much for letting us know about his sweet family...I'm sending my card to you today along with my prayers! Here's my card: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/686670?cat=500&ppuser=117787
Andrea, I have added a link to your blog. Thank you for seeing the need and acting.
Hi Andrea.. I just wanted to let you know I'll be mailing a card off tomorrow. Please visit my blog for a picture..
I've also offered up a little blog candy to anyone who sends you a RAK. Here's hoping for 2 boxes of cards..
Andrea, You are a true friend!!! This is an amazing thing that you are doing. Thank you for allowing us to help this family know that we are praying for their family.
Here is the link to my card.
I will be mailing it to you either today or tomorrow. I also linked your blog in case someone looking at my card would also like to send their best wishes to this family.
Thanks again,
I've posted your request to my blog and have got my card in the mail today!
DUH...here's the link!
This is a great thing you are doing, I will stamp a card tonight. I also added a link to this post form my blog and added a blog candy for it too, I hope that helps! :) Carolynn
I am just so touched by this story. Of course, I will squeeze my boys a little tighter when they wake up from their naps! I am going to post your RAK on my blog and get you some cards in the mail on Monday. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help and hopefully brighten their day.
Planning to do a card for the family, but rather I get to that or not, I am getting the word out!!
I pray this family will get many, many cards to give them hope and comfort.
That is awesome we would love to help. What is a RAK card?
What a wonderful thing you are doing - I don't know what a RAK is or where the SCS is and I don't have a blog to promote this for you, but I can make a card and post it off. Heartfelt wishes to this family from England.
Thank you so much for helping us be a blessing to these people. My card and this info are posted on my site http://stampingforgodsglory.blogspot.com/
I will send the card right out to you !!
You are most welcome Andrea. it is a great cause. How do you keep one post at the top I would keep mine about this on top as well. please email me at carodaren@videotron.ca Thanks,
The Lord made an angel when he made you- thank you for the opportunity to help! I posted on my blog www.dabblesbydeb.typepad.com and will send a card this weekend - God bless!
Cards are on the way - as I haven't a Blog, I've put a mention of this article in the PapercraftJunkies forum. Hopefully this will generate more support for you and the family.
Dee X
Just uploaded my card onto SCS. No blog here but I did put a link to your blog and a little description of the situtation in my deets section. You are an angel to do this.
Thanks for letting us know about this worthwhile project. Will get some cards out to you soon.
I have my card uploaded to my blog and let people know to send a card on it too. I will get it in the mail today.
I need to upload my cards to SCS, but I did add links to your site on mine. Thank you for collecting these cards. I was completely moved by their story.
You are a true friend to have Andrea. I have posted my card on my blog in the hope others will help too. Good luck and well done.
Debbie x
My heart aches for the Dunns. I've sent a card for them and some goodies for you to add to your blog candy give away (a pack of Stampin' Up! blender pens and a Cranberry Crisp ink pad). I also posted a message on my family blog for my stamping friends.
Thank you so much for sharing this story. I've put a post on my blog linking here so more people can be aware of this family. I will definitely be praying for them, and I will be making some cards this weekend for you to give them. God bless.
It's great that you are doing this for the Dunn family. Here is my card that will be coming to you, it should get there fast because I live in Michigan. I also linked your blog from mine so that other people can participate.
My friend's son just passed away from neuroblastoma. I know the pain and grief the family is going through having held my girlfriend's hand through her sons treatment and finally his passing. your friends definitely need all the strength they can right now.
hugs to you and them. god bless.
You are just wonderful for posting about this. I'm getting ready to make my card to send it off to you. I also posted your link and the family link in my blog, Confessions Of A Stamper. I'll be posting my card on SCS as soon as I'm done with it.
Gabby (faieemom on SCS)~ http://confessionsofastamper.blogspot.com/
I'll be sure to mail one out tomorrow and will be adding this story to my blog this evening. Good Luck!
Amazing idea! I really wish this family well. My card is on the way! Christine Fournaise
Here is my card:
I sent you the one on the left for the Dunns --- mailed it today from Cincinnati, so you should have it in a day or two.
This is an amazing thing your are doing for this family. My card is in the mail from Honolulu. Should get there in a few days. You can see it here
I also posted a spot on my blog to let everyone know.
I wish them lots of love and happiness!
What a wonderful idea... I've mailed mt card but don't have a blog to post it to. Thanks for letting me help.
Barb S
I have sent my card today and have added a story on my blog about the twins.
Thank you for doing this.
Hi Andrea
I think it's wonderful what you're doing. I've made a card but we have a postal strike on here in England until Wednesday but will get it off to you as soon as possible.
I've also posted a message on my blog along with a photo of my card to help raise awareness for such a good cause.
Count me in, Andrea! I will put a card in the mail ASAP! And I'll also add a link to this wonderful effort on my blog. Hugs!
I have posted my card on SCS and will mail it in the morning. Thank you for taking to time to help us support this family.
I'm putting my card in the mail on Tuesday, but here's my post on my blog telling others about the twins... You are awesome for doing this. It is a great cause!!!
Hi Andrea! I have put a card in the mail for the Dunn family. My heart goes out to the family and their friends. Thank you for being the organizer of this cards for a cause! I do not have a blog, nor have I ever posted to scs, but would love it if you could. I do have the card scanned, but from there, I don't know what to do! Thanks
I will have a card in the mail. You are so sweet. Will post on my blog and direct people to you.
Mailing out cards today to you...
I added you to my blog so that I can help share your plight. I hope that you get lots and lots of cards. I'll send out mine tonight.
Gretchen Sheridan
how awful to have to go through this ordeal - not once, but twice!! love your idea as well to help show support and prayers for the family!!
I'll be sending a RAK to you tomorrow... I'm off to create it, but for now, I thought I'd let you know I posted an entry on my blog www.PerfectSentimentsINK.typepad.com asking my readers to participate too! This is such a great idea and you have a heart of Gold, Andrea! God Bless You!
~Sara Frawley
Andrea - I will try and get something in the mail asap! My heart goes out to them!
I will be sending my card off in the morning. It can be seen in scs here http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/692500?cat=500&ppuser=132381
Thank you for making us all aware of these precious little babies and giving us an opportunity to pray for them and show them we care. Ina 'yellowrose46'
Thanks again for doing this. You are an awesome friend to the Dunns. I posted previously, but I don't normally post to SCS. Here is the link to my card...it is on my blog.
Thanks again!
I don't have a blog to post the message on but i'm more than happy to send a cheerful card their way in the hopes of brightening their day!! it's so awesome that you are doing this for them!! =)silversdaze
What a good friend you are! I have my card posted on my blog with a link to yours. www.stampincreations.blogspot.com
Thanks for the opportunity to help support this family..My card will be in the mail tomorrow
My own mother is suffering with cancer right now. I know the pain and fear. It is therapeutic to reach out to others. I am sure the family will take comfort from the love and prayers of others. I will mail my card today before I go to the hospital to visit my mom.
Thanks for sharing and allowing us to all help. My cards are in the mail tomorrow (sorry for the procrastination, the 15th came too fast.) I don't have a public blog, or a way to post the cards to SCS, but you are welcome to if you would like when you get them.
Emily A
You are doing such a great thing here. The Dunn family will be so happy to receive these cards! Mine is in today's mail.
Cheryl KVD
Hi Andrea,
I send my card last week. I hope you got it. Here is the link to my blog with a pic. Thanks again for letting us be a part!
I mailed my card to you last week so I hope you have it by now! I just had a chance to upload it to Splitcoaststampers; here's a link: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/701658?cat=500&ppuser=44493 I think this is a great thing you are doing; the more people that read about it, the more prayers and good wishes that will be made! Thanks for that!
Hi Andrea! Someone posted your blog enntry in my circle of friends at multiply and a few of us are getting cards around to send out for a card shower---again----I hope it's OK that we use your address??? My blog entry is here: http://cowgirlfromhanna.multiply.com/journal/item/144/Card_Shower_for_twins_with_cancer
It wsa also suggested that you or the family contact Cathy at Love Quilts (www.Lovequilts.org) and see if they can get a quilt from us. Cathy is not that far from them and these quilts are awesome pieces of hansdstitched love!
Hi Andrea! I love your blog, it looks really nice visually and is a great resource. Hope you post more! ^^
Oh my wow, this is amazing - gosh you have all the newest stuff and are making the most amazing cards - of which I never would have thought to use for cards…
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