Now an update on sweet baby Francesca. I missed posting the journal entry on Dec. 21, so I have included both the 21st and the 22nd here. She has been off of the ECMO machine now for over 3 days...lots of ups and downs, but hanging in there. The best part was reading that Maureen and Ronny FINALLY got to hold their baby girl for a minute or two. That makes me squeeze my baby girl that much tighter though considering I got to hold her the minute she was out of me! As you can see I added a new picture of my friend, Maureen, watching over her baby girl!
Posted on Dec. 21:
"Hello Family and Friends,
Again, sorry for the gap in updates. The days are long and seem to blend together at times! Francesca has been off ECMO for two days, and has slowly been working on healing. Her doctors and nurses seem to think she is doing “OK”, after coming off the ECMO. They do still feel that it was the best decision to take her off the ECMO a little early, rather then take the risk of developing a large bleed in her brain.
Francesca’s blood gases and oxygen saturation have been inconsistent over the past two days. She has had several episodes when she desaturates and has needed to be quickly suctioned to help her oxygen saturation return to a safe level. They say this is because of fluid in her lungs moving and migrating when she is repositioned. She has retained fluid again, and is therefore, looking “puffy”. They said it is expected for her to retain fluid after going off ECMO. Francesca is urinating well, with the assist of diuretics, but the doctors say it will take a number of days (maybe weeks) before we see a noticeable improvement in her fluid retention.
We are hopeful that Francesca will continue to make slow improvements. The doctors remind us daily that although she is doing “OK”, she is by no means “out of the woods”. She still has a very determined look on her face. She has periods of wakefulness during the day when mom and dad are quick to be at her side, catching glimpses when her eyes are open. She still loves her ipod, and appears to enjoy both music and gossip.
Please continue to pray for our sweetest Francesca. Thanks to everybody."
Posted on Dec. 22
"Hello Family and Friends,
Today was a long, “up and down” day. Francesca’s blood gases and oxygen saturation have not been great, and she has needed to be suctioned a bit more frequently (which might be a good thing, meaning the fluid in her lungs is breaking up a bit).
A major highlight of the day was that for the first time, both Maureen and Ronny were able to hold Francesca for a short time (1-2 minutes) while standing next to her bassinet, as the bedding in her bassinet was changed. They both seemed very excited for the opportunity to hold their little angel.
Please continue to pray for our sweet little Francesca Maria. We just love her so dearly, and are so appreciative for all the supportive thoughts and prayers, from each and every one of you. "
I am so glad that Francesca is improving little by little.
God is great!!
God bless you.
YEAH for Baby Francesca! It's soo wonderful to her her progressing and to be updated of her progress via your Blog Andrea. I'll keep saying my prayers for her!
Happy Holidays,
So glad to hear of her progress. Prayers are being sent and so is a little card.
I am going to link your blog on my Pages for Preemies blog to maybe get the word out more. www.pagesforpreemies.blogspot.com
Prayers and hugs!
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