
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Skating Story and Card

So it is finally time to "spring forward"...hate losing an hour of sleep, but really enjoy the having more daylight later in the day! But beyond that, I have a funny story to tell. So my son's school had a skating party (think back to those skating rinks when you skated on 4 wheels in the 80's...well that is when I did) at a local Skating Rink. Just to clarify my husband and I wore rollerblades but the kids did where the old style skates. Anyway my son has gotten so much better in the 3 times now that we have been, but he is not totally steady...not really at all! But lo and behold they call out Kindergarten and 1st Grade boys to the rink for a race...and what does my sweet little boy say but, "Daddy, I may not win, but I am going to go out there and try"! Oh my goodness, couldn't ask for more. So he is out there with the other boys and they signal the start of the race. They have to go about one time around plus about 40 sweet little boy didn't quite finish the 40 ft before the 1st place boy crossed the finish line. Watching him I brimmed with pride, laughed at how far back he was and cried tears of joy for him just getting out there and trying it even though he was so far from winning it actually was funny! Sometimes that kid just amazes me! It was one of those times I wish I had a video camera.

Now that I have laughed and cried again just thinking about that, onto the skating card at hand. This is using the current Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge #181 (which by the way has a LOT going on with it...made it very tough!) and the newly released Skater Cat from Paper Makeup Stamps. I watercolored the cat and paper pieced the skate board. The paper is from the Rockstar Mat Stack by DCWV. I personally love the twine is really fun to unwind your twine. It gives it that wavy/crimpy kind of look.

Well I will probably be a little absent this week as I will be making cupcakes for school and a cake for home in honor of my son's 6th birthday...and of course, I can't keep it simple!!! Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!

The Engineering Details
Stamps - Skater Cat (Paper Makeup Stamps); Paper - Close to Cocoa, Chocolate Chip, Old Olive, Not Quite Navy (SU!), Rockstar Mat Stack (DCWV), watercolor paper; Ink - Close to Cocoa, Chocolate Chip, Old Olive, Not Quite Navy (SU!), Brilliance Graphite Black (Tsukineko); Accessories - Chocolate Chip Corduroy Button (SU!), Pinking Border (The Cat's Pajamas), Scallop Circle and Circle Nestabilities (Spellbinders), twine, paper piercer, dimensionals


  1. What a precious story! You don't need a video camera...that image will stay engrained in your memory forever! Love the card and the papaer pieced skate board!

  2. Oh, how fun Andrea! What a great moment to share with us about your son. :) Love your Skater cat card too with all the points and raffia!


Comments just make my day! Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!