
Monday, September 28, 2009

Wild Birthday

Wow I feel like I have been missing off of the planet for the last week! When I went on my girl's weekend with my sisters, I swear I was coming down with some major allergies...then I came home and found my whole family with the same symptoms! Not so much allergies, but a nasty cold. My husband had to actually stay home on that Monday because I could barely function. Then to top it off I ended up with a sever ear infection on Friday...oh man does that hurt! So now I am on medication and hopefully will kick this darn thing (along with my daughter...son and husband are already better)...although the ear still feels a little funny...ugh! But this cold has taken me out of the loop for the last week, so I feel very behind on anything I planned to do...a lot of that has to do with getting ready for our 2 week Mediterranean Cruise in less than 2 weeks! So if you don't hear from me very often, I am either trying to get things ready or we are on our cruise! If I am organized enough, I may set up a couple of things to post while I am gone.

Anyway, enough of my woes...I made this card for a little boy's 5th birthday. I started off with the Verve Release Sketch Challenge and Color I thought I was going to be all sneaky and finish all five of the challenges in two or three cards and then I finally read that I was technically suppose to make a different card for each challenge...oh well! So the color challenge was sort of a tough one: Chocolate, Orange-Yellow, Vanilla, and Green-Gray...which I translated to Chocolate Chip, Summer Sun, Very Vanilla, and Sahara Sand. Not a color combo I would probably go for, but I like the splash of yellow to highlight parts. I of course had the sketch, but I flipped it and then even flipped some of the components as was a starting point!

The lion was stamped three times so I could separate the body, mane, and face to give him some dimension. The greeting was stamped in Chocolate Chip and then highlight with a Summer Sun marker. The pinking (is that the right term for that jagged edge?) look came by punching a scallop circle and then rotating it slightly and punching it again. The patterned paper in the background is from To the Nines. I didn't want to have any ribbon since it was for a little boy, but I needed I added a strip of beads. i just put a strip of sticky tape down, covered it with beads and then added some Crystal Effects over top to keep them in place. The main image and the greeting seemed to plain, so I added individual beads to those elements.

Well that is all for me! Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!

The Engineering Details
Stamps - Wild About You; Paper - Summer Sun, Chocolate Chip, Sahara Sand, Very Vanilla, To the Nines DSP; Ink - Chocolate Chip, Summer Sun, Summer Sun Marker; Accessories - Brown Beads (JoAnns bead aisle), Circle and Scallop Circle Nestabilities, Scallop Edge Punch, Paper Piercer, Mat Pack, Crystal Effects, Sticky Strip Tape, Mono Multi Liquid Glue, Scissors, Dimensionals

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you have been so sick. Enjoy your cruise.


Comments just make my day! Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!