
Friday, March 30, 2012

What's Been Going On

Chirp, chirp....are those crickets I hear on the ol' blog?  Wow it has been awhile since I have been on here!  The picture to the left gives an explanation for my absence...we moved into our new house!  

We moved in at the beginning of February and are still getting things set up.  Question for those that have soon till you feel completely moved in?  It is definitely a long process.  Thankfully the house was in great condition and most of the paint colors are perfect.  We did paint and tile the laundry room (pics of that to come) and we are beginning work on the office.  The house is a great fit for us and we feel blessed everyday living here!

Here are some pics of the inside and one showing the house:

The last picture is the office that we are beginning work on it.  That is where my crafting stuff will be...but right now it is still in boxes!  Not a lot of crafting going on right now!!

I will leave you with my favorite view...the view of a sunset from our back deck!

Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!